IFRS 15 and Principal vs. Agent Considerations: Determining Revenue Recognition

Posted In | Finance | Accounting Software | Revenue Recognition

In the realm of accounting and financial reporting, accurate revenue recognition is a critical concern for businesses worldwide. When International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are applied, such as IFRS 15, companies need to identify their role in transactions as either a principal or an agent. This determination significantly affects how they recognize revenue.


1. IFRS 15 Overview

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued IFRS 15, "Revenue from Contracts with Customers", in May 2014, effective for periods beginning on or after January 1, 2018. The standard aimed to improve consistency, comparability, and transparency in revenue recognition across industries and jurisdictions.

IFRS 15 establishes a five-step model to account for revenue arising from contracts with customers:

  1. Identify the contract(s) with a customer.

  2. Identify the performance obligations in the contract.

  3. Determine the transaction price.

  4. Allocate the transaction price to the performance obligations in the contract.

  5. Recognize revenue when (or as) the entity satisfies a performance obligation.

This standard replaces IAS 18 Revenue, IAS 11 Construction Contracts, and other revenue-related interpretations. It's applicable to nearly all contracts with customers, with exceptions for leases, financial instruments and insurance contracts, which are covered by other IFRS standards.

2.mPrincipal vs. Agent: Why It Matters

Under IFRS 15, determining whether an entity is a principal or an agent in a transaction is crucial as it affects the amount, timing, and presentation of revenue. If the entity is a principal, it reports revenue on a gross basis. Conversely, if it's an agent, it reports revenue on a net basis, i.e., the amount it earns as commission or fee.

For instance, let's say Company A sells a product for $100 and pays Company B, a middleman, $20 for facilitating the sale. If Company B is the principal, it would record $100 in revenue and $80 in cost of goods sold, leaving a gross profit of $20. If Company B is an agent, it would record only the $20 commission as its revenue.


3. Determining Principal vs. Agent

IFRS 15 provides a set of indicators to help entities assess whether they control a specified good or service before it's transferred to a customer. If the entity controls the good or service before transfer, it's the principal in the transaction. Otherwise, it's an agent. These indicators include:

  1. Inventory Risk: An entity that has inventory risk (i.e., risk associated with holding goods) is likely the principal.

  2. Primary Responsibility: If the entity has primary responsibility for the fulfillment of the contract, it's likely the principal.

  3. Discretion in Establishing Price: An entity with the discretion to establish prices is typically the principal, as agents usually lack such authority.

  4. Credit Risk: If the entity bears the risk for the customer’s credit, it is usually the principal in the transaction.

While these indicators can guide entities, judgment is often required in their interpretation and application. The overall aim is to depict the transfer of control from the entity to the customer accurately.


The implementation of IFRS 15 requires businesses to revisit and possibly redefine their revenue recognition practices. In this regard, the determination of an entity's role as a principal or agent in a transaction plays a vital role. It not only influences the revenue amount but also when and how it's recognized. As such, businesses should thoroughly understand and carefully apply the principal versus agent considerations under IFRS 15 to ensure accurate and compliant financial reporting.