3HC, one of North Carolina’s leading Home Health & Hospice agencies, leverages Gridlex’s CRM and integrates app suite to turbocharge operations

Posted In | CRM

3HC, one of North Carolina’s leading Home Health & Hospice agencies, implemented Gridlex’s CRM, service and analytics solutions to help automate and scale operations.

Lou Ann Jones, COO of 3HC, one of North Carolina’s leading Home Health & Hospice agencies, said: “Gridlex’s CRM and integrated application suite has taken our marketing, service and analytics functions to the next level. Organizations of all sizes struggle with having an integrated approach to operations. It may be a referral or lead on the front end and then tracking that all the way to service delivery quality. The underlying systems don’t integrate very well and there are a lot of manual touchpoints to make it work. Gridlex’s software plus implementation service and excellent continuing support was critical in positively impacting our operations”



Here are six ways Gridlex was able to take 3HC operations to the next level:

1) Customer Data Management in CRM

Most CRM’s have a garbage in - garbage out (GIGO) problem. Historical, customer information and master data information is stale and reps are not able to use the available information. Gridlex’s CRM has an integrated data management solution with custom configured workflow rules for creating, editing and updating organizations so that underlying data is clean and usable by reps. The data governance process is managed within the CRM system and highly configurable to 3HC’s specific use case.


2) Integrated Service Management Workflow & Customization

The healthcare industry has manual referral workflows which consumes human effort to coordinate and track across systems. Gridlex’s service management flow integrated into the CRM was able to digitize incoming referrals and route that to appropriate departments for further processing. This enabled the marketing and sales function to align with the service and intake coordination organization on the same platform.


3) Data Feed Integration into CRM

Gridlex’s CRM integrated several data feeds to connect the underlying fabric of the marketing and service organizations. A few of the data feeds which were integrated include:


4) Advanced Sales and Marketing Automation

The CRM has integrated personalized talking points and digital brochures that can be used by front line marketers in positioning 3HC appropriately to that specific organization. For e.g. the marketer may be prompted to discuss 3HC’s smart care program with physicians and hospitals during discussions. The specific disease specialities of a physician can be matched to the talking points.


5) Automation of Analytics & Reporting

Due to the inherent disjointed nature of the underlying systems, a lot of key analytics and reporting was performed manually thereby sucking up valuable marketer time. Gridlex’s CRM integrated analytics function has automated several reports and enhanced existing ones in the system and delivered it in the format that the key audiences were familiar with (e.g. Excel in email). The automation of integrated analytics from the CRM and other sources showed insights that were not previously possible and also saved countless hours for people with other tasks at hand.


6) High Velocity Implementation and Support

Most system implementations fail because the software and the implementation are not aligned with a customer’s needs and timelines. However, Gridlex’s high velocity implementation teams were able to implement their software in record time because it understood software nuances and 3HC’s operations. Additionally, Iterations and feedback from the time were incorporated into the next weekly release to make the workflows tailored to 3HC’s operational processes.